Two Microservice Tech Stacks

Two Microservice Tech Stacks

Microservice is complex.

Many articles simplify the complexity of microservice architecture to something that dividing a monolithic application into smaller pieces which owns its own domain, and each of them talks to others via some communication protocol. It's helpful for layman to grasp the basic concepts and feel the benefits it will bring - smaller application, easier development, and faster delivery, however sometimes it also covers the complexity behind it.

The Patterns

IMHO, the microservice architecture patterns at least include the following aspects,



which language, which framework to use

Configuration Management

how to manage the configuration and reflect the changes in deployment

Asynchronous Messaging

how to deliver asynchronous message

Service Discovery

how to discover a service in the distributed cluster

Service Routing

how to manage the incoming and outgoing traffic in a traceable manner

Client-side Load Balancing

a service is normally backed by serveral app instances, server side proxy will inevitably introduce a single point of failure because all the traffic to the service has to go through it. The way to solve it is to use a client-side load-balancing to distribute the traffic to the service instances from the client side and with the predefined poliy

Circuit Breaker

if an upstream service is down, should its clients keep retrying until all the thread resource is exhausted and the client also becomes irresponsibe? It's clear that the answer is no, and circuit breaker helps the client to trip off the connection for a while to protect it from being dragged into the same mire if it find that the target service has some problems. It will also poll the upstream service to check if it's back and functional every several secs / mins. If yes, it will recover the connection when possible.


fallback to some other endpoints / error messages / solutions if something wrong with the upstream service


a bulkhead is an upright wall within the hull of a ship or within the fuselage of an aeroplane. It devides functional areas into smaller rooms and create water tight compartments that can contain water in case of a hull breach or other leak. The bulkhead pattern in the microservice architecture will divide the threads of a client service into isolated pools based on the number of its consuming services. If one of its consuming service is down, it will only possibly use up the threads in the pool dedicated to that upstream service and prevent it from being taken down because of out of resource.


compile, testing, building ans storage



Log Aggregation

collect metrics & logs from distributed nodes and services

Log Correlation and Tracing

correlate the logs to trace the requests so that an user's behavior can be reproduced

Authentication & Authorization

secure the cluster

Credential Management and Encryption

how to manage the credential that should be unaccessible from unauthorized folks

If all these still cannot demonstrate the complexity of the microservice architecture, read this -> Back to Microservice with Istio. Lucky that I'm not the only person who has this feeling.

The Comparison

In Netflix Stack, most of the patterns mentioned above are implemented as a lib or a framework, and the developers will need to directly provision the service, integrate the library, and customize the code in the application. In Kubernetes + Istio solution, the sidecar pattern is used so that the application can be deployed into the cluster as normal application without knowing the details of patterns in microservice architecture - all those are taken care by Istio.

PatternsNetflixK8S + istio



any language, any framework


Spring Config

K8S ConfigMap & Secret

Asynchronous Messaging

Spring Cloud Stream

any messaging engine / provider

Service Discovery

Spring Cloud Eureka

K8S Service + Istio VirtualService + Istio DestinationRule

Service Routing

Spring Cloud Gateway

Istio Ingress / Egress

Client-side Load-balancing

Ribbon + Feign

Istio Envoy

Circuit Breaker


Istio Envoy



No, Envoy will return the error code the the application need to handle it



No, but K8S resource limit can mitigate it


any, normally Jenkins

any, normally Jenkins


any, normally Jenkins

any, but more options, eg., K8S native, Spinnaker, Helm, Kustomize

Log Aggregation

Spring Cloud Sleuth


Log Correlation and Tracing

Spring Cloud Sleuth + Zipkin

Istio and many plugins, by default Prometheus + Grafana

Authentication & Authorization

Spring Cloud Security + OAuth2 / JWT

Istio Security

Credential Management and Encryption

Spring Cloud Security

K8S Secret + plugins

Last but not the least, the relationship between K8S and Istio is not "either... or...", it is "both... and..." - we can setup the istio in a cluster while with istio's functions disabled/enabled in different namespaces. The backward compatibility has been carefully considered by Istio engineer and we can test and migrate it slowly without breaking the functions of the services.

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